In CLT1 you access the basis of Code Lemuria philosophy and knowledge such as they were kept by the Ancients in the antique cultures of the Pacific, Ancestral India, the Vedas and the mystical Middle East.
We disclose the following tools:
• The primordial solar hologram of universal use; the points and force lines, their projections on Earth and correspondence on the human body.
• Lemuria Self-Reconnection which provides a few minutes active daily meditation to increase the vibration level in a significant way.
• Projection technique for the development of personal, family or professional projects.
• Self-protection technique.
• A complete Lemuria therapeutic technique allowing to practice on family/friends and clients as a Certified Code Lemuria Practitioner.
(1) Technique of cleansing physical and energetic bodies .
(2) Technique of reconnections of the physical vehicle and the being to the Lemuria hologram with a solar sequence.
(3) Technique of detection and elimination of blockings and implants.
(4) Technique of protection.
Duration: 2 days.
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